Success Stories / BRYG Coffee House

Swapping pen and paper out with Workfeed was the perfect solution for BRYG

BRYG Coffee House delivers coffee and cosiness at the highest excellence in Vejle. With great passion, they sell coffee with a focus on environment and the local community.
Workfeed Pro
More professionalism
After implementing Workfeed BRYG runs their café with greater professionalism.
Increased employee satisfaction.
With a greater overview and more serenity BRYG’s employees are now happier with how the business is operated. 
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In the past, BRYG used old-fashioned methods to create schedules. The owner, Maria, was using pen and paper and had to consult every single employee before she could create a schedule one week ahead.


BRYG has never had the experience of using a web-based shift scheduling system before - until Workfeed came to the rescue. Maria was looking for a system that could help her with planning shifts and saving time. And that was exactly what she got with Workfeed:

“Now it´s so much easier to make schedules. I use less time and it saves me valuable time”.


Even though BRYG is a small company, Maria have a feeling that her colleagues think that there is much more professionalism around the shift schedule:

“They have a better overview and feel a different security to not overlook anything. I feel that Workfeed shift scheduling system gives us a much better overview and more serenity”.
  • As an owner, it's really easy to plan well into the future as well as use templates to make sure I do not overlook anything.

    Maria Theressa Olsen
    Owner @ BRYG
More professionalism
After implementing Relion BRYG runs their café with greater professionalism.
Increased employee satisfaction
With a greater overview and more serenity BRYG’s employees are now happier with how the business is operated.
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