Your best bet for leave management.

Leave happens - Workfeed's leave management software makes sure it doesn't catch you by surprise by making requesting and tracking all types of leave easier than ever.
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Trusted by thousands, including teams at

Here's how Workfeed's leave management software works.

''I prefer to give my staff the vacation days they desire, Workfeed makes this easy.''

Stay on top of your team's wishes.

Whether it's vacation, sickness, pool party or any other leave type - Workfeed keeps you in the loop by gathering all requests in one overview.
Leave bank admin workfeed

See how much leave your team has taken.

Each employee has their own leave bank where the both of you can see how many leave days they've used.
''Workfeed is a huge advantage to have, both as a manager and as an employee”
Tanne Morville, Gedulgt

Avoid scheduling unavailable staff.

Say goodbye to: "Wait, Holly's sipping Mai Tais in Thailand?" moments. Workfeed's leave calendar and work schedule are in sync, making sure no absentee can be scheduled without it going unnoticed.

Go live in 2 minutes.

Take your Workfeed account from 'just born' to 'ready to rock' in less time than it takes to microwave popcorn - seriously, it's that simple.
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More than leave management software.

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Starting at $2 per user per month.

The top-rated leave management software.

Workfeed makes leave management simple and intuitive. Allowing our customers to run their businesses with peace of mind.
"There's something special about Workfeed. It's thought through to the smallest detail."
''Workfeed turns leave management into a simple task for everyone involved.''
"Most tools are clunky and hard to use. Workfeed is different - it just flows."


Leave management is like being a symphony conductor for employee absences. It's the entire show of handling time-offs, from vacation leave (think: sandy beaches and margaritas) to sick leave (sniffles and daytime TV), from maternity/paternity leave (diapers and sleepless nights) to any other 'I-just-need-a-day' requests. .
Workfeed comes with your usual suspects of leave types like vacation or sick leave, but what if you've got a 'I-can't-miss-the-season-finale-of-my-favorite-show' day or 'my-dog-ate-my-alarm-clock' morning? No worries, we've got you covered. You can create your very own, tailor-made leave types. Go wild, we won't judge.
Yes! Each employee has their own "leave bank" where all the employee's leave is tracked. As an admin, you can see the leave bank of every employee, while employees can only see their own. The leave bank shows how many leave days have been used (working days and non-working days) over a period of your choice.
Yes! Employees can indicate their availability in the employee app. This can be used when you create the employee schedule to ensure that the schedule fits everyone's needs. Workfeed's auto-scheduling feature takes your team's reported availability into account.
Yes! Your employees can submit leave requests through the employee app.
Yes! When a leave request is submitted by an employee, you will determine whether or not it will be approved.

Get started for free.

You didn't start a business only to be stuck with administrative work - step away from that.
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