How do you save time?

Time is the most valuable thing you can’t buy. But you can work on optimizing every process of your business in order to save some time here and there. It all adds up. The renowned Copenhagen bakery, Hart has done a tremendous job and is here to share their knowledge.

Berry van Waarden
10. March 2022
Mikkel Westergaard explains how Hart Bageri, makes the best use of their time.

- “At Hart we’re always looking for ways to improve and automate processes.'' Being incredibly popular requires you to work as smart as possible. Mikkel Westergaard shares some insights on how they handle this at Hart.

Mikkel Westergaard is the CEO of Hart.

Worth the wait.

When the former Tartine baker, Richard Hart joined forces with Noma chef, René Redzepi it caused great excitement amongst many bakery-loving Danes. Ever since, Hart has kept meeting every expectation and has now opened their second location at Christianshavn as well.

Every morning, a long queue can be spotted down Gammel Kongevej in Copenhagen. Eager sourdough enthusiasts are willing to line up - no matter the weather - in order to get a loaf or Danish from the famous bakery, Hart.
hart bageri

Spend time to make time.

Mikkel explains that right now they are meeting the high demands from the customers by enrolling every employee in a tailored onboarding programme: 


“In order to optimize time for everyone, and make the wait in the queues a bit shorter for our customers, we make sure to onboard every employee in a fixed 30 hour programme. It’s quite an investment, but we’ve seen that if we put in a lot of effort in the beginning, our employees are able to truly excel at their role much more quickly than usual”, Says Mikkel Westergaard. 


The onboarding process is still at its early stages, but Mikkel hopes and believes that it will impact the retention rate of his employees as well.

Optimize shift scheduling.

Another timesaver, has been optimizing their shift scheduling using Workfeed:

“At Hart we’re always looking for ways to improve and automate processes. Using Workfeed does exactly that, and I can definitely see how the whole team saves a ton of time when the scheduling happens automatically. However, it still requires that everyone is using our internal messaging system. Right now we’re using Slack to stay connected, which is absolutely essential to make it all come together”, says Mikkel.

Besides using Workfeed, Hart is also investing in services to automate inventory count and finances.
hart bageri

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