Success stories / SYV NI 13

You have to create a business that functions - even when you are not there.

There is something special about the atmosphere at SYV NI 13.

We all know the good old times from the dinner table. Sitting with our family, chatting back and forth, reaching across the table for the food. There is something unmistakable casual, cozy and intimate about this. Dining together. 

So, together with Asbjørn and Frederik, Kalle turned it into a concept: “We call it social dining. It’s much like “the family table” - it just tastes better”

According to Kalle, the conversation flows more naturally when people are sharing their food. Also, the thing is people rarely agree which dish is the better one, and that creates a natural meeting point between people, who are sharing an experience.
Workfeed Pro
2 locations
Connecting the team
Workfeed brings SYV NI's team together.
More freedom
Kalle is able to take time off on weekdays due to automated processes.
Get started
The mantra at SYV NI 13 goes: “Bring your personality to work”

And that they do. It makes the place very personal, from the daily service to the development of novel dishes and cocktails. That is one of reasons why the restaurant so quickly has become a local classic in the narrow Scandinavian streets of Aarhus.

Things got complex

In the beginning, you can make the everyday work with manual labor and manual management, but when things begin to take off and the crew expands, you start to feel the need for software assistance

“In the beginning we used an Excel sheet, and since we were just a handful of people, it worked out. Today we are 40 people, so the puzzle has become way more complex. Not to mention all the admin work!”

Automation was the key

On this journey, Kalle has learned a thing or two about the power of automation. When you grow in size, there are way more things to handle. Suddenly, you have to correspond with partners, handle a lot of employees and still provide a stellar service when the evening comes. Or as he puts it:

“You have to create a business that functions - even when you are not there. Here, Workfeed comes in as a very wholesome solution“

Running a business without worries

With Workfeed Kalle has been able to automate a lot of tedious processes. The fact that it is app-based is a huge improvement. Like the dishes that bring together the people around the table, Workfeed is a meeting point for the crew:

“The automation is such a relief. Not only is the scheduling easier, the overview and the security that Workfeed provides makes me sleep worry-free in the night. And when you running a business, that’s just priceless”

Even though Kalle is running two restaurants, he is still able to take time off in the weekday. Thanks to automated management processes.
  • “The automation is such a relief. Not only is the scheduling easier, the overview and the security that Workfeed provides make me sleep worry-free in the night. And when you running a business, that’s just priceless”

    Kalle Jensen
    Co-owner @ SYV NI 13 & Elle Belle
A meeting point for the crew
Workfeed brings SYV NI's team together.
The ability to take time off
Kalle is able to take time off on weekdays due to automated processes.
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