Success stories / Tjenerskolen

Providing an overview of 500+ employees on events across the country.

Ever since Frederik was a kid, he has dreamed of creating as many jobs as possible - for as many people as possible. An ambitious kid!

5 years ago that dream started too manifest. Applying for his first job as a waiter, he was told that he had to have a minimum of 4 years of experience.

“It's so unrealistic… But after I got into the game, I realised that I could be the one to teach others! That way I could help people in the same situation that I had found myself in”

Realising this, Frederik created The Waiter Academy where he trains waiters and provides sublime staff for high-end service.
Workfeed Pro
500+ employees.
Workfeed is the calendar that provides Frederik the grand overview.
Time is money!
Workfeed is equal to an extra employee, saving Frederik about $3,000 a month
Get started

With expansion comes challenges.

It didn’t take long before Frederik started supplying staff to the biggest venues in Denmark: Royal Arena, Odense Congress Center, and Boxen in Herning. And with a business that started to stretch across the country, he was in serious need of a professional system:

“I was looking for a system that could help me handle over 500 employees and at the same time give me an overview. It actually seemed quite impossible, but I had to find a solution”

A huge team is one thing, but how do you keep track of hundreds of people across the country? Frederik found Workfeed to be the perfect solution

The complex made simple.

It seems like a complex challenge, but Workfeed actually solves Frederik's problems in a rather simple way:

"I mean, some months I have to pay 500 people, and Workfeed saves me tons of work! And the time clock is perfect for keeping track of the hundreds of hours"

Every week, Frederik goes back to see exactly how many hours have been spent at the various venues, and that makes both paying employees and invoicing customers a lot easier.

Getting the bigger picture.

Today, Frederik has over 500 employees, and Workfeed has become an indispensable tool that not only supplements the payroll system. He also uses Workfeed as a calendar, giving him the big picture:

"All my events, employees and all time registration across the country are gathered in one place. And on top of that, I haven't heard a single complaint from my team. I mean, they expect it to work - and it sure does!”

  • Workfeed gathers all my events, employees as well as their shifts and hours across the country in one place. And I haven't heard a single complaint from my team. They expect it to work - and it does!"

    Frederik Møller
    Co-owner @ Tjenerskolen
300 employees across the country
Workfeed is the calendar that provides Frederik the grand overview.
Time is money!
Workfeed is equal to an extra employee, saving Frederik about $3,000 a month
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