Everything You Need to Know About Employee Training

Everything You Need to Know About Employee Training

Employee training is one of the most important aspects of any business. It can be difficult to create a training program that meets the needs of every employee, but it is well worth the effort. Not only does staff training make your employees more productive, but it also helps to develop their skills and knowledge. In this blog post, we will discuss the importance of a training and development program and provide some tips for creating an effective program.
7. July 2022  • 6 minute read
Staff training

Employee training

Employee training is a process that helps employees learn the skills and knowledge they need to perform their jobs. Training can be provided through formal programs or on-the-job experiences. Formal staff training programs are typically more structured, while on-the-job experiences may be more informal.

Why staff training is important

For companies

For the company, training employees can improve productivity and quality, while also reducing costs. For the employee, training can lead to greater job satisfaction and career development opportunities.

For employees

Staff training is important for several reasons. First, it helps employees learn the skills they need to do their jobs effectively. Second, employee training can help employees develop their careers. Finally, employee training can improve job satisfaction.

Note: A recent Workfeed study showed that 20% of the workforce does not learn enough at their current job. In addition, 57% of respondents said they were more likely to be open to another job if they were not developing in their current job.
Types of staff training

How to train your employees effectively

Now that we've discussed the importance of employee training and development, let's talk about how to train your employees effectively. There are a few key things to keep in mind when creating a training program:

- Make sure the training program is relevant to the job. Employees should only be taught the skills and knowledge they need to perform their jobs effectively.

- Ensure that the training program is engaging. Employees are more likely to retain information if they are actively engaged in the learning process.

- Make sure the development program is accessible. Employees should be able to access the training when and where it is convenient for them.

Define what type training is relevant

To define what training is relevant, you'll need to start by identifying the skills and knowledge your employees need to perform their jobs effectively. Once you've done that, you can create a program that covers those topics.

To get started, ask yourself these questions:

- What are the essential skills and knowledge for the job?

- What are the goals of the training program?

- What are the desired outcomes of the training program?

Once you've answered these questions, you'll have a better idea of what training is relevant. And, you'll be able to create a more effective employee training program.

Define what type training is relevant

Once you've defined what training is relevant, it's time to make sure the training is engaging. There are a few things you can do to make sure your employees are actively engaged in the learning process.

- Use multimedia. Employees should be able to learn through different mediums, such as videos, infographics, and articles.

- Make the training interactive. Employees should be able to participate in the learning process, not just passively consume information.

- Use real-world examples. Employees should be able to see how the training applies to their jobs.

Make the training accessible

To make sure the training is accessible, you'll need to consider your employees' schedules and learning styles. You'll also need to decide how the training will be delivered.

Some things to keep in mind:

- Employees have different schedules. Some employees may work full-time, while others may work part-time or have flexible schedules. Make sure the training is offered at a time that is convenient for all employees.
the onboarding process

Types of employee training

Now that we've discussed the importance of staff training and how to train your employees effectively, let's talk about the different types of employee training.

The most common types of staff training are:

- Classroom training: This type of training is delivered in a traditional classroom setting.

- Online training: This type of training is delivered online

- Webinars: This type of training is delivered via webinar. Webinars are live or recorded sessions that employees can watch at their convenience.

- On-the-job training: This type of training is delivered on the job, through hands-on experience.

There are a few things to keep in mind when choosing the right type of employee training. First, consider the learning objectives of the program. Then, consider the delivery method that will best meet those objectives. Finally, consider your employees' schedules and learning styles.

Classroom training

Classroom training is a traditional form of staff training. It is usually delivered in a physical classroom setting, with a teacher or instructor leading the class.

Classroom training can be beneficial because it:

- Allows employees to ask questions and get immediate feedback.

- Provides a structured learning environment.

- Facilitates interaction and collaboration among employees.

However, classroom training can also be expensive and time-consuming. It can also be disruptive to employees' work schedules.

Online training

This is a type of staff training that is delivered online. Online development programs can be self-paced or led by an instructor.

Online training can be beneficial because it:

- Is convenient and flexible. Employees can access the training at any time, from anywhere.

- Is cost-effective. It is often less expensive than classroom training.

- Facilitates interaction and collaboration among employees.

However, it can also be challenging for some employees. It can be difficult to stay motivated when learning online, and it's important to make sure the training is engaging.


Webinars are a type of staff training that is delivered online. Webinars are live or recorded sessions that employees can watch at their convenience.

Webinars can be beneficial because they:

- Are convenient and flexible. Employees can access the training at any time, from anywhere.

- Allow employees to ask questions and get immediate feedback.

- Facilitate interaction and collaboration among employees.

However, webinars can also be challenging for some employees. It can be difficult to stay motivated when learning online, and it's important to make sure the training is engaging.

On-the-job training

On-the-job training is a type of staff training that is delivered on the job, through hands-on experience. On-the-job training is especially beneficial for training (younger) part-time staff in the hospitality, retail, or entertainment industry.

On-the-job training can be beneficial because it:

- Is convenient and flexible. Employees can access the training at any time, from anywhere.

- Allows employees to learn in a real-world environment.

- Facilitates interaction and collaboration among employees.

However, on-the-job training can also be challenging for some employees. It can be difficult to stay motivated when learning on the job, and it's important to make sure the training is engaging.
why employee training is important

Choosing the right type of staff training

When choosing the right type of staff training, consider the learning objectives of the program. Then, consider the delivery method that will best meet those objectives. Finally, consider your employees' schedules and learning styles.

Tailor the training to the individual needs of employees and their roles within the company

Not all employees will require the same type or amount of training. For example, new employees will need more comprehensive training than experienced employees. And, managers will need different training than frontline staff.

Consider using a mix of training methods to deliver the employee training program. This can help to ensure that all employees have the opportunity to learn and develop the skills they need to be successful in their roles.

The benefits of staff training

Staff training can have many benefits for businesses, including:

- Improving employee productivity.

- Enhancing employee satisfaction and retention.

- Reducing workplace accidents.

- Increasing sales and profitability.

Improved productivity

Staff training can improve productivity in the workplace by teaching employees new skills and knowledge. This can help them to work more efficiently and effectively.

Enhanced employee satisfaction and retention

Employee training can also enhance employee satisfaction and retention. When employees feel like they are learning and developing, they are more likely to be satisfied with their jobs. And, when they are satisfied with their jobs, they are less likely to leave the company.

Reduced workplace accidents

Employee training can help to reduce workplace accidents. By teaching employees about safety procedures and hazards, they will be more likely to follow those procedures and stay safe in the workplace.

Increased sales and profitability

Employee training can also increase sales and profitability. When employees are knowledgeable about the products and services they are selling, they will be more likely to sell them. And, when employees are knowledgeable about the company's sales process, they will be more likely to close sales.

Employee training has many benefits for employees

The benefits that training have for your employees include:

- Improved job satisfaction.

- Enhanced skills and knowledge.

- Increased earning potential.

- Improved work/life balance.

Improved job satisfaction

Employee training can improve job satisfaction by teaching employees new skills and knowledge. This can help them to feel more satisfied with their jobs.

Enhanced skills and knowledge

Employee training can also enhance employees' skills and knowledge. When employees feel like they are learning and developing, they are more likely to be satisfied with their jobs. And, when they are satisfied with their jobs, they are less likely to leave the company.

Increased earning potential

Employee training can also increase employees' earning potential. When employees are knowledgeable about the products and services they are selling, they will be more likely to sell them. And, when employees are knowledgeable about the company's sales process, they will be more likely to close sales.

Improved work/life balance

Employee training can also improve employees' work/life balance. When employees are trained on how to use time-management techniques, they will be able to better balance their work and personal life.

Improve your work/life balance with Workfeed.

Workfeed is an online scheduling system tailored to create significant time savings for companies with part-time staff and fluctuating working hours. Our platform enables managers to create work schedules, track hours, and handle payroll in 95% less time.

By bringing all of this together in one tidy app, you enjoy more overview, while your employees benefit from more transparency and control over their own time. So if you’re a restaurant owner, shop manager, or in charge of a shift-working team, Workfeed is the perfect solution for you to improve the working environment for yourself and your team.
cost of training

The costs of staff training

Staff training can have many benefits for businesses, but it can also be costly. The cost of staff training includes the costs of:


- Training materials.

- Trainers' fees.

- Employees' time away from work.


When deciding whether or not to invest in staff training, businesses need to weigh the costs against the benefits. The average costs of staff training vary between $ 1200 and $ 3000 per person in the US. The cost of staff training can be a barrier for small businesses.


There are many ways to reduce the cost of employee training, including:


- Using online materials.

- Creating a training budget.

- Offering employees paid time off to attend training courses.

- Conducting training during work hours.


By reducing the cost of staff training, businesses can make it more accessible and affordable for their employees.


Use online tools like Workfeed to learn about how to better manage your time. Workfeed is an online scheduling system tailored to create significant time savings for companies with part-time staff and fluctuating working hours. Our platform enables managers to create work schedules, track hours, and handle payroll in 95% less time.

Create your own employee training program

Another way to reduce the cost of staff training is to create your own employee training programs. By creating your own employee training programs, you can:

- Save on trainer's fees.
- Use the existing staff to train new employees.
- Customize the training to your business needs.

Creating your own employee training program can be a great way to reduce the cost of staff training.

When creating your own employee training program, there are a few things you should keep in mind, including:

- The objectives of the training programs.
- The target audience for the training programs.
- The delivery method for the training programs.
- The schedule for the training programs.
- The budget for the training programs.

By keeping these things in mind, you can create an employee training program that is tailored to your business needs and budget.


Employee training is important for businesses. It can help to improve employee retention, increase employees' earning potential, and improve work/life balance. Staff training can be costly, but there are ways to reduce the cost of employee training, including using online tools and creating your own employee training programs.
Berry van Waarden
Berry van Waarden
Head of Marketing

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