Success Stories / Erlings Jazz- & Ølbar

Erlings Jazz- & Ølbar - From hot mess to team spirit.

At the core of every jazz orchestra, you will find a drum, trumpet, bass, and piano. In other words, it is safe to say that the secret ingredient lies in the collaboration between the members of the band.

The same goes for a small business like Erlings Jazz- & Ølbar in central Aarhus when it comes to scheduling shifts between their many part-time employees.
Workfeed Pro
6 hours
Erlings Jazz- & Ølbar saves 6 hours per month after implementing Workfeed.
Increased employee satisfaction
Workfeed has made life easier for Erlings employees by giving them access to the schedule through an app.
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Before using Workfeed, Erlings Jazz- & Ølbar tried numerous scheduling systems, but without any luck: they always seemed to make matters even more difficult.

“Having the right scheduling tool is detrimental to our small business. Due to our many part-time employees, it is important to have a hiccup-free tool, ” says Casper, founder, and manager at Erlings Jazz- & Ølbarbar.


But with Workfeed as the go-to solution for all employees, the process of scheduling shifts is “smooth sailing” - from when Erlings Jazz- & Ølbar opens to when it closes at midnight.

“Before, we spent a lot of time puzzling around with our scheduling system. But now that everything is online, we are able to focus on optimization and teamwork rather than small, administrative tasks,” Casper elaborates.


The transparency and autonomy involved in scheduling with Workfeed give everyone working at the bar a sense of freedom to manage their time on their own terms. Therefore, the app is not only a huge benefit for Casper as the founder but also - and most importantly - for the employees.

“First and foremost, it is important to ensure that our employees are comfortable with our way of planning shifts,” he highlights, stating that this was one of the most important factors to choose Workfeed.

“As the system is accessible on the go, it is easy for our employees to keep track of the various schedules whenever and wherever. And that makes everyone's job easier”.

  • Casper

    “Before, we spent a lot of time puzzling around with our scheduling system. But now that everything is online, we are able to focus on optimization and teamwork rather than small, administrative tasks,” Casper elaborates.

    Casper Søgaard
    Owner @ Erlings Jazz- & Ølbar
6 hours
Erlings Jazz- & Ølbar saves 6 hours per month after implementing Workfeed.
Increased employee satisfaction
Workfeed has made life easier for Erlings employees by giving them access to the schedule through an app.
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