How do you keep your employees satisfied?

The question is key for managers around the globe and there are many approaches. Can yearly company trips to Berlin, parties and continuous employee interviews about well-being really make your organization better?

Tanne from Gedulgt sipping her favorite cocktail
Kristian Emil Larsen
9. December 2021
According to Tanne Morville, who is the Executive Manager of Aarhus cocktail bar, Gedulgt, it’s - amongst many - initiatives like these that keeps your employees satisfied.

- “Happy employees make happy customers'', Tanne explains. Gedulgt is one of the best cocktail bars in Scandinavia and has been recognised with many prestigious awards. The bar can fit 150 guests and Tanne manages a team of 25 staff members.

Tanne is in charge of administration, communication and branding and shift planning at Gedulgt.

Management style.

- “I strive to create a safe space”, Tanne says.

In an industry often connected to short employment periods, a rough tone and tough work hours, Tanne feels an obligation to drive change.

- “I want to implement a safe culture and give my employees a sense of well-being and let them know that they can feel free to be themselves and to suggest new ideas for Gedulgt”.

Teamwork makes the dream work.

- “Running a bar is not easy and you need good, reliable employees around you to succeed”, Tanne says. 


She believes that you can compare the hospitality industry to a team sport like football. You are only as strong as your weakest link: - “If a member is feeling down, it's a joint responsibility to pick that person up and get going again”, she explains. 

Parties, company trips and a monthly talk with the boss.

- “We hang out like a close group of friends or even like a family. Some of our team members  are even celebrating the New Year together this year. We also have our yearly trip to Berlin where we really become close and that helps us when we need to perform. That bond is really important”.

Tanne finds it essential to include her employees, therefore Gedulgt has monthly staff meetings where the team can vent, elaborate and let each other know what is going on.

Freedom and flexibility.

Tanne has a lot of faith in her employees and loves that they bear the amount of responsibility that they do:

 - “I like to set up structures and systems that my employees can easily use. It makes it easier when we know when and who is on duty - also, it enables us to communicate should something come up. This is where Workfeed really comes into play. We used spreadsheets before and it simply got too confusing and centralised. My employees are so happy about the new system”.

Tanne highlights the features like notifications, shortcuts, overview of shifts and comments as key elements.

A healthy company culture.

At Gedulgt, Tanne Morville has created a workplace that takes care of employees for them to perform at their best. Through employee interviews, a focus on healthy company culture and employee well-being, Gedulgt pays attention to its managers, employees and customers.
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