Employee Success Stories / Christiane Fries Madsen

“Planning my work shifts is just so much easier now” - Christiane’s Workfeed story

There are many cool jobs out there - one of them belongs to Christiane Friis-Madsen. As a museum guard at the Danish Railway Museum in Odense, Denmark, she works on the intersect of culture, sales, and customer experience. At work, she makes sure guests visiting the museum enjoy the best possible experience.

“My job is a student job, and I really enjoy being active and doing something besides my studies. However, managing work and uni at the same time requires a lot of efficient time planning,” says Christiane. “I didn’t really have that overview - until the museum started using Workfeed.”
Workfeed Pro
Increased flexibility
Workfeed has allowed Christiane to have more flexibility.
A better overview
Christiane enjoys more overview by having her schedule online now.
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Pursuing a bachelor’s degree in History and Danish, it had always been crucial for Christiane to plan work shifts precisely and easily. However, when she started her job, the museum didn’t use a work scheduling platform, which made planning much harder.

“The shift planning wasn’t centralised on any platform. There was a lack of overview for employees, and my shifts didn’t appear automatically in the calendar on my phone, so I would always forget when my next shift would be,” Christiane remembers.“


When the museum started to use Workfeed’s easy shift scheduling tool for managers and employees, things started to change for Christiane.

Through the app, she could suddenly easily inform her manager about when she would be available to work, instead on telling them via text message. In addition to that, it made it easier for her to see her planned schedules, swap shifts with colleagues, or register absences.

“I now have a good overview and an easily accessible schedule. On top of that, it’s easy and intuitive to inform my employer about the days on which I cannot work”, she says.

Like other museum employees, Christiane uses the Workfeed app on her phone every week to notify the museum managers about her available days, to swap shifts with colleagues, and to keep herself on track with her shifts.


Since Christiane has been able to work with Workfeed, it has become easier for her to stay on top of her work shifts. It also provides more flexibility and a much better overview.

“I think flexibility and good communication are the most important things when it comes to building a good workplace. Workfeed has enabled me to improve both these aspects of my job.”

  • “Planning my shifts is so much easier now. I experience a high flexibility and have a much better overview of things”

    Christiane Friis-Madsen
    Employee @ Danish Railway Museum
Increased flexibility
Workfeed has allowed Christiane to have more flexibility.
A better overview
Christiane enjoys more overview by having her schedule online now.
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