Success Stories / TopTutors

“Workfeed is the next generation of scheduling”

TopTutors is an online tutoring platform that offers private tutoring and homework help for kids and high school students in Denmark, helping them towards more confidence and professionalism in school.
Workfeed Pro
16 hours
TopTutors saves 16 hours per month after implementing Workfeed.
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The managers and employees from TopTutors enjoy more overview with their schedule in Workfeed.
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As the company was growing, Elmar Jóhansson, Co-founder at TopTutors, was struggling to find a solution to schedule work shifts for his employees. He started to look for an easy way to plan and manage work shifts, schedules and absences.

"We needed a new solution for planning shifts of salespeople, part-time and student workers, and basically all of our employees - but many of the solutions looked old and not very convenient", Elmar says.


When the founder was introduced to Workfeed, he did not have to contemplate for long whether or not the app was a good fit for the company.

"Most of our employees are young. This generation naturally appreciates a good UX design and a modern look in mobile apps", Elmar states. "Workfeed was clearly the best market offering both on the web-part and in their app, which makes it convenient and easy for employees to use and for admins to manage."

TopTutors subsequently onboarded all their employees to Workfeed, which, according to Elmar, went swiftly and fast, as the solution is easy to use and understand.


Since TopTutors uses Workfeed, Elmar observes a higher satisfaction among employees, and an increased flexibility across teams.

"Workfeed saves time for employees and managers by giving everyone a fast and effortless overview. For our employees, it is easy to access work schedules from their phone, and for managers, it is easy to communicate with the workforce about any changes in schedules through automated notifications."

According to Elmar, Workfeed saves him a few hours per week that he had previously used on planning work shifts and communicating with the staff. This amounts to around 2 days per month in total, that he can now use to prioritise other tasks to grow and develop TopTutors.

Efficiency and flexibility, to him, are the keywords.

"Workfeed is the next generation of work scheduling", Elmar says with a smile.

  • "Workfeed saves time for employees and managers by giving everyone a fast and effortless overview. For our employees, it is easy to access work schedules from their phone, and for managers, it is easy to communicate with the workforce about any changes in schedules."

    Elmar and Hasan
    Co-founders @ TopTutors
16 hours
TopTutors saves 16 hours per month after implementing Workfeed.
More overview
The managers and employees from TopTutors enjoy more overview with their schedule in Workfeed.
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