Earnest Eats

5 locations
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A new, yet nostalgic wave of bakeries.

Anders' entrepreneurial journey began 7 years ago when he opened Alice, an ice cream shop converted into a micro bakery. After meeting a former colleague who also ran his own bakery, they noticed that they were dealing with many similar things as new entrepreneurs. They started helping each other and found that they were not only facing the same challenges, but also shared the same values.

“We noticed that most bakeries in town primarily focused on creating the next big hype and recognized an opportunity to differentiate ourselves .”

One of those being that they felt no urge to invent new kinds of pastries. Instead, they'd rather enhance their childhood classics using today's baking knowledge. They teamed up and continued under the name Earnest Eats. Today Earnest Eats consists of five different bakeries: Alice, Benji, Københavns Bageri, Sneezing Fruits and Aurora.
From 1 to 5 bakeries
Since day one, Workfeed has been Anders' preferred workforce management partner.
Major time savings
Workfeed saves both Anders and his entire team a lot of time.
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Systems and structures

Anders is a firm believer in the importance of systems. Since the beginning of Alice, he has been using Workfeed:

“I wanted to put systems and structures in place early on. Even though we would probably have been fine with scheduling on a piece of paper, it's very helpful to get something done that little bit faster. On top of that, I wanted my team to be able to access their schedules via an app.”

Now almost 6 years later, he is still very happy with Workfeed and it is being used in all of Earnest Eats' businesses.

Craftmanship above all

From the perspective of keeping maximum focus on the bakeries and their craft, the right systems and structure are vital to Anders and his team.

“I try to leverage systems in my daily line of work with the goal to automate as much work as I can. After all, good systems simply create structure.”

In particular, features like templates, shift swapping and leave management help Anders and his managers to effectively manage their teams.

An integral part of daily operations

Workfeed is an integral part of day-to-day operations within Earnest Eats and works so smoothly that Anders doesn't have to think about it.

“Today, our site managers take care of everything related to employee scheduling, allowing me to erase it off my to-do list. Workfeed saves both me, and our entire team a lot of time.”

Just because Anders has taken his hands off tasks like creating employee schedules doesn't mean he's completely letting it go.

“It's great that it's so easy to navigate between schedules from different locations. This makes it easy for me to keep an overview despite being less involved.”

“Workfeed is extremely helpful and does what it is supposed to do. It's easy for my team, it creates structure and clarity, and it's time-saving. I can only recommend it.”

Anders Lorenz
Co-owner @ Earnest Eats
From 1 to 5 bakeries
Since day one, Workfeed has been Anders' preferred workforce management partner.
Major time savings
Workfeed saves both Anders and his entire team a lot of time.
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