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Combing creativity with  hot beverages.

You go to a café, you have a coffee, you have a chat. But what do you bring from that meeting? Well, Noah who runs Smykbar together with his mother, found quite the original (and shiny) answer to that question.

Ever since Noah was a kid, he has been deeply fascinated and passionate about jewellery and pearls. It was when he started getting a taste for the café life that things started to click. Noah saw a potential:

“We wanted a place where you would go - not only to drink coffee and eat a meal - but to be creative with your loved one. That way you could bring with you a new piece of jewellery”

It turned out that Noah was on to something. People adored the idea of being creative together, so not before long the concept outgrew Copenhagen and crossed the country.

From 1 to 6 locations
Smykbar has expanded their business with Workfeed as their scheduling partner.
The perfect fit for Gen-Z
The demand for flexibility is met with the Workfeed app.
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Happy employees fosters creativity

Noah and his mother have been running Smykbar for 3 years now, managing 6 different locations in the biggest, most vibrant cities of the Nordics: Aarhus, Copenhagen, Lyngby, Oslo and Odense. 

“Since the beginning, it has been important to give our employees a user-friendly and flexible tool to keep track of the working schedule. It should be easy for them to take shifts, swap shifts and ask for time off”

Noah is well aware that a nice atmosphere starts with happy employees. Even though he cannot be everywhere all at once, he is now able to provide his team with the best possible solution.

Pearls on a string

It’s not only Noahs employees that are reaping the benefits of having a neat scheduling app. When you are running businesses at 6 different locations, scheduling templates come in really handy:

“It’s simple for me. If I make a template for let’s say the summer holidays, I will only need to sketch it out for one week - and then I’ll make multiple copies of that one template.”

That way, templates makes Noahs life easier. When you’re all about creating a loveable business, it’s beneficial that structure comes easy

An app that makes your team shine

Templates, user-friendly design and a sense of ease around shifts. It’s something that has been well received by Noah since we started our partnership 3 years ago:

“It’s so easy that everything is gathered in one single app. I say this to other companies that still uses Excel. Stop it. It’s not worth it. Get a scheduling app, it’s easier not only for you but for your employees as well”

And with that gem we end this piece. Thank you to Noah for making it easy for people to be creative together. Keep shining.

There's something completely different about Workfeed. It's thought through even to the smallest detail.

Noah Middelboe
Owner @ Smykbar
From 1 to 6 locations
Smykbar has expanded their business with Workfeed as their scheduling partner. 
Perfect fit for Gen-Z
Demands on flexibility is met by the Workfeed app.
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