482 people

We are Last Mile Heroes.

Where cars, vans, and trucks full of packages are jammed in the busy city center, MOSS.'s couriers speed past them on all sides. The Leiden-based delivery company's e-bikes have spread rapidly throughout the west of the Netherlands and are well on their way to becoming the market leader in sustainable urban distribution.

Now, was becoming the largest (sustainable) urban delivery company the driving force behind the founding of MOSS.? Not quite. Moss Dolman, the founder of MOSS., decided to start delivering packages on his bicycle for another reason:

''I wanted to spend more time at home with my family. Ever since we founded MOSS. in 2021, it has been my main goal to take the kids to school in the morning and to be home before dinner - every day.''
It took about 3 weeks for Moss to outgrow his racing bike and beg his wife and co-founder, Kirsten, to give up her cargo bike - unaware that this was only going to be the beginning of something much bigger.
From 1 to 7 locations
MOSS. expanded seamlessly from 1 to 7 locations with Workfeed.
Saving 18 hours per month
MOSS. saves 18 hours a month on scheduling-related tasks per month.
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Shifting into a higher gear

MOSS. has experienced tremendous growth over the past 2 years and now counts 7 hubs and 482 couriers spread across the western part of the Netherlands - this provided inevitable challenges for Kirsten, who manages the couriers:

''As the number of couriers grew, it became increasingly challenging to create and manage the work schedule. The number of repetitive tasks I had to perform daily were anything but ideal and kept growing.''

Although MOSS. was already using another tool, it did not make Kirsten's job much easier nor more efficient.

''The app wasn't good and I still had to do most of the work manually, meaning I lost a lot of time on administrative work every day - Kirsten said.''

Managing 482 couriers with ease

As the team kept growing, Kirsten and Moss decided to look for an alternative solution. Preferably one that could automate as much as possible to give them some time back. That's where Workfeed came into the picture:

''When we started using Workfeed it pretty much clicked right away, it works perfectly for us in all aspects. The app is really good and we can do everything we want - it just works tremendously easily.''

It's very convenient that we only have to share the schedule with the team and that everything flows automatically after that. Our couriers can select when they want to work themselves and swap shifts among each other if needed - I don't have to do interfere anymore, Kirsten said.

From 5 hours to 30 minutes a week

Kirsten's work has not only become easier but also a lot less time-consuming:

''I have been saving a lot of time with Workfeed. I used to spend about 5 hours a week managing the schedule, now only 30 minutes, which is just very relaxed.''

When we started Workfeed, we only had 1 hub. Today there are 7, but we were able to scale this effortlessly with Workfeed. It's simply ideal for us.

''Workfeed works perfectly for us in all aspects. The app is really good and we can do everything we want - it's just so easy''

Kirsten & Moss Dolman
Co-owners @ MOSS. Last Mile Heroes
From 1 to 7 locations
MOSS. expanded seamlessly from 1 to 7 locations with Workfeed.
Saving 18 hours per month
MOSS. saves 18 hours a month on scheduling-related tasks per month.
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